Our Work

Our projects focus on leadership capacity building resettlement initiatives for persons displaced by violence, trauma healing for both adults and adolescents, agricultural support and empowerment, provision of clean water, free eye surgeries, and educational assistance for vulnerable children. We also engage in emergency medical aid, economic empowerment for widows and vulnerable women, leadership development, and emergency response for internally displaced persons (IDPs). Through these comprehensive efforts, we aim to enhance community resilience, promote sustainable development, and improve the overall well-being of affected populations.

Below are some of the projects we have carried our over the last couple of years.

Resettlement Project

Te’egbe & zahnra
Plateau state, nigeria

Violence has caused mass displacement and weakened community support structures. Several severely affected families have had their homes reconstructed, enhancing early recovery from these attacks. Thanks to Creative Associates International and International Christian Concern USA, funded by a subgrant from USAID, about 300 rooms have been provided. The resettlement project also includes constructing clean water boreholes in communities where water sources are shared with cattle. Addressing these basic needs contributes to the long-term well-being and harmony of the communities. However, hundreds of families in Central and Northern Nigeria still need similar assistance due to ongoing insurgent attacks.

Trauma Healing Project: Secondary Schools Pilot

All Nations Academy and Government Girls College Bokkos, ECWA Secondary School Miango, and Government Secondary School Riyom, Plateau State, Nigeria

The Healing the Wounds of Trauma (HWT) project helps adult victims of violent attacks recover from trauma and improve their psycho-social well-being. An adolescent pilot project was also conducted for 120 students in four high schools in three Local Government Areas in Plateau State, Nigeria. These schools are in areas affected by recurring violent attacks. Addressing trauma in adolescents is crucial to prevent long-term negative impacts on their development, future, and communities. More schools are planned to be included in this initiative.

Communal Farm Projects

Benue · Adamawa
Plateau · Kaduna

In partnership with the International Christian Concern (ICC), Communal Farm Projects aimed at empowering, supporting and improving food security in communities affected by violent crises have been implemented. These projects involve the cultivation of agricultural lands free-leased by the communities, some measuring up to 60 Acres for the benefit of a Cluster of 75 families. These projects span across four States in Northern Nigeria.

Victims Agricultural Input Support

Southern Kaduna(Chawai)
Southern Borno(Chibok Girls Parents)
Plateau(Mangu-Kulben Widows)

Towards reducing dependency on food-packs hand-outs, and to improve sustainable food production for food security, individuals affected by violence whose primary vocation is farming, are provided agricultural inputs such as improved seeds, fertilizer, herbicides/pesticides, knapsack sprayers, water pumps. to encourage them to engage in irrigation or rain-fed farming activities. Over five hundred families have received agro-inputs assistance.

Benue Victims Fish Farm Project


To empower women (particularly victims of violent attacks) with skills in Aqua-culture (fish farming), to improve nutrition and income generation for themselves and their families, training and resources for mobile Fish Ponds are set up in locations with close proximity to water source, for the benefit of a cluster of fifteen women to foster cooperative engagements.

Free Eye Surgery for Visually Handicapped

miango, plateau state(crisis area)

We launched an initiative to provide free eye surgery for visually handicapped individuals in crisis areas. The initial project aimed to restore vision and improve the quality of life for over 88 individuals, focusing on inclusivity and addressing eye health needs in the Irigwe Communities of Miango and Kwall Districts in Plateau State.

Victims Homes Rebuild Project

Te’egbe, Miango, Plateau State

Following violent insurgents’ attacks resulting in destruction of homes of families in Te’egbe village, the homes of three families worst impacted by the attack, were fully rebuilt. and roofing materials provided for four other families, supporting their desire and effort to resettle back in their homeland.

Vulnerable Children Education Support

Ancha Village, Miango, Plateau State

Unfortunate incidences of sudden violent attacks in certain communities leading to the death of one or both parents in economically poor conditions leave children vulnerable and exposed to vices and that can negatively affect their future. To give hope to such children, education support is rendered by paying tuition and providing learning materials.

Promoting the Dignity of the Girl-child

rescue of victims of human rights abuse

Through collaboration with critical stakeholders, rescue initiatives have been implemented for minor girls who suffered forceful abduction, religious freedom violation and forced marriage. Resources are also provided to enhance their rehabilitation and education.

Emergency Medical Aid to Victims of Violent Attacks

Kwatas-bokkos, Ancha, & Miango-bassa
Numan-Kikon-Adamawa, Kajuru-Kaduna

Life-saving emergency medical interventions have been extended to victims hit by violent attacks and whose families are poor and unable to afford their medical bills. Post-hospital home care recovery food packs are also provided for such victims.

Economic/Livelihood Empowerment for Widows & Vulnerable Women

Adamawa · Benue-Naka

Women who have lost their husbands (being bread-winners) in conflict and economically poor communities are laden with the burden of providing basic necessities for themselves and their children. Assistance is provided to such women to set up income-generating ventures ranging from commodities retail shops to small-scale livestock farms such as poultry, piggery and goats.

Leadership Development: Community Youth & CDAs Representatives 

Barkin Ladi & Riyom, Plateau State

Tailored capacity and skills-building trainings are offered to spur personal development, good governance, conflict resolution and peace-building. Emerging leaders and youth in local communities are prioritized.

IDPs Emergency Response

Madagali – Adamawa
Kajuru – Southern Kaduna
Kafanchan – Southern Kaduna

To alleviate the immediate humanitarian crisis caused by violence, food packs and clothing are provided for victims on IDP camps.

Join Us to Make a Difference

Your support and involvement are crucial, as we work towards making sustainable impact in our communities.